“I can only recommend a partnership with Doccle.”
Water-link has 450 employees. They were given the choice by their employer whether or not to use Doccle. 90% of them chose administrative simplification, and new employees automatically become Doccle users.

“The collaboration with Doccle brings a whole host of benefits for the company and for the employees,” says Rigo De Moor, Payroll manager at Water-link. “The payroll data are fully protected and the information goes directly to the employees concerned. In addition, the platform is secure and privacy is guaranteed. Furthermore, it is also a fast and efficient way of working. The employee receives his wage data the day it is sent.”
Administrative simplification is always an advantage.

Startup of Water-Link on Doccle
The start-up phase between Doccle and Water-link was easy. After programming in the payroll package and a few tests, employees received a manual and their login information and were able to get started. Rigo: “It is obviously important to have good internal communication. This is the case with any change. Provide a clear manual and support for your employees so that the introduction can go smoothly.”
“I can only recommend a collaboration with Doccle,” concludes Rigo. “The distribution of payroll documents is faster, safer and easier for employees. Administrative simplification is always an advantage, for both the hr department and the employees who, thanks to Doccle, have a clear digital archive at their disposal with all their documents.”