Doccle assists the self-employed

Doccle specifically focuses on functionalities that digitise the administration of (small) self-employed people in a simple and accessible way.

As a self-employed person, you often have to comply with all sorts of regulations but the costs run very high or the complexity is often beyond your comprehension. At Doccle, we like to help the self-employed simplify their administration so they can focus on what really matters or what they really enjoy doing.

Peppol self-employed

1. A Doccle account for all your documents

Doccle is the ideal repository for documents from both your business and private life. All your documents are together in one safe place. So no more searching. Do you want to be able to split your documents easily? Then create a category for it. Read more about this in point 6.

If there are documents you want to share with your business partner or your spouse, you can easily share the connection. Then they will also get to see the documents in their Doccle account. This keeps everyone perfectly up to date.

How to share a connection

2. Your administration at hand thanks to the mobile app

Doccle knows that you, as a self-employed person, rarely sit or want to sit at your desk or PC screen. That is why we roll out all developments for self-employed persons on our mobile app first. So with the app, you can do just a little bit more than with the web version of Doccle.

Download the app so that you always have access to your documents wherever you are and can always test the latest functionality.

3. Receiving invoices via Peppol

From 2026, B2B invoices must be sent, and therefore received, via the international standard Peppol. Peppol is a network for sending invoices securely and in a standardised way to other companies. This makes invoicing much more secure, correct and automated, allowing companies to work more efficiently.

You don’t even have to wait until 2026. As a self-employed person, you can already now receive your invoices sent via the Peppol network securely in your Doccle account. So you don’t need to make an IT investment for this. Simply adding Peppol to your (existing) Doccle account is sufficient to receive, pay and store B2B invoices in Doccle now. In your Doccle account under the ‘Connections’ menu, you will find the proposal to activate Peppol.

Read here step by step how to add Peppol to your Doccle account.

Sending invoices via Peppol will also soon be possible in your Doccle account. Of course, we will inform you about this as soon as possible.

Doccle upload documents

4. Upload documents yourself

Nothing as convenient as being able to manage and store everything together in one place. Today, however, you receive your invoices via various channels, paper by post, e-mail, Doccle, Zoomit,… In anticipation of Peppol’s obligation, whereby all your B2B invoices come via this channel, you can add invoices yourself to your Doccle account. For this, there is the ‘upload’ function.

You can easily scan a paper document and thus add it to your Doccle account. Did you receive an electronic invoice via another channel, e.g. via e-mail? You can also add this to your Doccle account yourself. To do this, click on your profile at the top right and select upload. If you use the Doccle app, click on the plus sign at the bottom. This way, you can bring your documents all together in one super-secure place, your Doccle account.

5. Order in the chaos of tickets and receipts

Keeping proofs and receipts is always a mess. Ever thought of saving these via Doccle too? You can scan receipts very easily with your Doccle app. This keeps them neatly collected and stored. Make it a habit to scan your receipt as soon as you receive it. That way, you don’t have to search all your bags and pockets for crumpled tickets.

Scanning documents is done via the plus sign at the bottom of the app. After scanning, the receipt is saved in your Doccle account.

6. Organise your documents as you like

Do you want even more order in your documents or assign your own labels to documents for easy retrieval? Or would you like to be able to split your business and private documents easily? You can. Doccle does not work with folders and binders to structure documents, but with categories to which you assign documents.

So you search by category name and then see all documents within that category. You can assign a category to a document like this:

Open the document, in the ‘Info’ tab you will find the categories assigned to the document by Doccle. By clicking on ‘Edit’ you can add your own category. For a self-scanned document, you can add a category when saving.

7. Share with your accountant

And then there is the dreaded quarterly closing. Every quarter there is the rush to get all your invoices to your accountant neatly. You can automate this too via Doccle by sharing these documents with your bookkeeper or accounting package. You set up once that the invoices from a certain sender have to be sent to the accounting system and Doccle does that automatically for you.

Each invoice is immediately forwarded to your bookkeeper or accounting package and you are notified that it was forwarded. You can also automatically forward your scanned restaurant tickets and receipts to your accountant this way.

How to activate?

8. Never search for documents again

Doccle stores all your documents in your Doccle account for as long as you want. A received document is immediately archived. This ensures that nothing is ever lost and everything stays together in one safe place.

As such, you don’t need to throw away any documents. But do you still want to tidy up your archive?

Then read here how long you should keep certain documents.