
Advantages for the employer


Unburdening of administration 

  • All documents to the employee can be delivered to the employees in the same simple way.
  • If the employee’s personal details (address/email address) change, a document will still be delivered to his personal account.

Legality and GDPR

  • Digital delivery of payroll documents is just as legally valid as paper pay slips
  • In line with GDPR regulations and with a focus on privacy and security

Efficiency and cost reduction

  • Increase HR department efficiency: employees have access to their documents at all times, no more duplicates.
  • Faster and cheaper than paper payslips
  • Doccle is a legal archiving service: independently accessible, documents remain available, even after leaving the employer.
  • With a few simple IT interventions, documents can be easily delivered to your employee’s Doccle account via your own infrastructure

Corporate image

  • Digitizing your HR administration can have a positive effect on the company image
Types of documents
Advantages for the employee


Simplify administration

  • Documents from different companies, such as: utilities, banks, mutualities, insurance companies, government, service and goods invoices, … together in one account.
  • One password for access to all important documents.
  • Safe, no risk of phishing and no advertising.

Storage of documents

  • Automatic archiving
  • Documents are retained and not deleted unless you choose to do so.

Paying invoices without worries

If no direct debit:

    • Easy because all payment details are pre-filled, you choose your payment method and your payment date
    • Safe because Doccle only contains real invoices
    • Automatic reminder to avoid payment reminders and fines
    • Possibility of deferred payment

Legal, digital signing

  • No more printing, scanning paper documents,… and just as legally valid.
  • Insurance policy, contract, …

Sharing documents and/or connections

  • With the bank, with your partner, with your employer, with your accountant,…

Add documents yourself

  • You can add important documents such as diploma, notarial deed, contract, etc. yourself.

You can also provide this information to your employee