Advantages employee
What are the benefits of Doccle for you as an employee:
✅ Simplify administration
- Documents from different companies, such as: utilities, banks, mutualities, insurance companies, government, service and goods invoices, … together in one account.
- One password for access to all important documents.
- Safe, no risk of phishing and no advertising.
✅ Storage of documents
- Automatic archiving
- Documents are retained and not deleted unless you choose to do so.
✅ Paying invoices without worries
If no direct debit:
- Easy because all payment details are pre-filled, you choose your payment method and your payment date
- Safe because Doccle only contains real invoices
- Automatic reminder to avoid payment reminders and fines
- Possibility of deferred payments
✅ Legal, digital signing
- No more printing, scanning paper documents,… and just as legally valid.
- Insurance policy, contract, …
✅ Sharing documents and/or connections
- With the bank, with your partner, with your employer, with your accountant,…
✅ Add documents yourself
- You can add important documents such as diploma, notarial deed, contract, etc. yourself.

How to connect easily ?
Doccle has various options to connect you with your employer.
Depending on your employer’s choice, you have the following options:
Doccle Connect mail: you will receive an email with a button, with which you can connect in a few clicks. If you do not have a Doccle account yet, you will also be given the opportunity to create one here.
Doccle via tokens/codes: If your employee has chosen this option, you will have 2 codes available and will have to enter them manually to establish a connection with your employer.
Doccle via suggested connections: If you already have a Doccle account, the employer can ensure that you see a suggested connection in your account. Here you only need to click on connect and confirm that you want to make the connection with your employer.
De verbindingsmanieren worden kort uitgelegd in een filmpje.