This page tells you how to add NN and which documents you can receive.
What kind of documents can you receive from this company?
- Invoices
- Pay
- Receive
- Save
- Share
How can you connect with this company?
Connect via itsme® of via eID
Connect via itsme® of via eID
Log in to Doccle.
Log in here. No account yet? Then create a new account.
Connect itsme® of via eID to your account
- From the top right menu, go to Preferences
- Go to the Security section
- Choose Link your itsme® or eID and follow the steps.
Add the company
You will now receive a proposal to add the company to your Doccle account.
Click on “Add” and then on “Confirm”.
From now on, you will receive an e-mail with every new document on Doccle.